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Sebastian B

(19 yr old boy) He is no longer in the orphanage. Please consider sponsoring someone else.


About Me

After turning 18, Sebastian decided to enroll in a new state program that offers young adults a monthly stipend until the age of 26 as long as they continue their studies or are employed.

He moved in with his mother, Simona, and his brother, Bogdan, in Botosani, close to our center, and continued his studies.

Simona was abandoned as a baby and spent her first 18 years struggling to cope, one day at a time. Due to the numerous beatings she endured, she suffered severe trauma and hardly managed to finish a few years of school. Without any professional qualifications, all the work she was able to find was in the construction field, earning less than what she needed to get by.

For a long time, she lived in deplorable conditions. She didn't have a washing machine or refrigerator. A make-shift burner was what Simona used for both providing warmth and for cooking. Her children's allowances were spent on groceries.

After many years, Simona is finally able to have both her boys living with her. We helped her furnish a room for Sebastian and we stay in contact with them.

Thank you for supporting Sebastian throughout his years with us! We are grateful for the opportunity to care for, nurture, and counsel Sebastian all these years. May the truths sown into his heart bring forth much fruit!

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