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Vasile Raul

(18 yr old boy) He is no longer in the orphanage. Please consider sponsoring someone else.


About Me

It was April 2008 when Raul, not even three years old at the time, and his three brothers, Alin, Marian, and Alexandru, first came through the gates of our orphanage.
Before us stood four timid children, their faces scorched by the sun, dressed without any forethought, carrying the sadness of past experiences and the worry of what would come on their countenance. Their grandfather, fighting off tears, said, "If I were healthy and had the means, I would've raised them myself." He then told us that the family might have had a chance to stay together if the parents had been more responsible.
The mother abandoned the children, leaving them with their father who was unable to offer proper care.
The local pastor noticed the total lack of care and basic education and asked for the assistance of Hand of Help, seeking refuge for these children. We were so grateful to welcome them into our family! Years went by, and our Father, in His mercy, healed their wounds and helped them through many seasons in life.
The father tried to make strides to reestablish a relationship with the children, but he was far from being apt to take on the task of fathering them. Moreover, after being diagnosed with cancer, his poor health prevented him even more from being able to have his children with him.
Raul's father died in 2015. All four brothers were together when our staff shared the terrible news with them. It took a while for them to adjust to the new reality, but with the help of our social workers and counselors, we were able to see constant improvements. In the meantime, Alin and Marian left the orphanage and started independent lives while Raul and Alexandru continued to be in our care.

After turning 18, Raul decided to leave the orphanage and enrolled in a state program that offers young adults a monthly stipend until the age of 26 as long as they continue their studies or are employed. He found a place to rent with one of his brothers and they also work together.

Playing baseball has been one of Raul's passions, and he had many accomplishments throughout his years at the orphanage. He played in multiple games in various championships and he has now started coaching as well.

We thank God for how He worked and continues to work in Raul's life.

Thank you for making stories like Raul's possible. We are grateful to be able, together with you, to bring hope to the lives of the orphans. Thank you for your faithfulness and for helping us offer a family to those without one.

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