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Preparing for Persecution

Persecution is not a topic the modern-day church likes to discuss. Even though the Word of God insists that we should prepare for the advent of persecution, and every generation of believers that has come and gone since the genesis of the church has had to contend with it, it remains a sensitive topic, one we would readily ignore given half the chance.

Although the signs that persecution is closer than many would believe are all around us, with open hostility against the followers of Christ being endorsed, encouraged, and celebrated even in countries where religious liberty was deemed a cornerstone of society as little as a decade ago, for the most part, the church continues to find new distractions to keep them from seeing the reality of the days we’re living in.

The Bible is purposeful and intentional in its warnings. If we are told to prepare for persecution, then we must do so posthaste, even though, to human reason, it may seem far off or even improbable. When the God who knows the end from the beginning declares that you will be hated, reviled, and persecuted, take Him at His word.

Men speak of changing times and coming darkness in the future tense. This is no longer the case. The times aren’t changing; they have changed. Darkness isn’t coming; it’s already here, and the enemy has set its sights on the household of faith.

Persecution is coming. This book outlines the steps you need to take to prepare for it.


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