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Resources > Books > Book > The-Last-Days-of-the-World

The Last Days of the World

As is the case with most things nowadays, opinions vary as to what the last days of the world will look like. While some envision flying cars and a fully automated society where robots do all the work and humanity can lounge about doing much of nothing, others insist that the last days of the world will be days of chaos and upheaval on an unprecedented scale.

To complicate matters further, some who foresee dark days for the world do not see themselves as being present for any of them, as though everything the Bible has to say about the end times is nothing more than an intellectual exercise for the household of faith without any real-world implication. It is a tangled web of conflicting beliefs and perspectives, where the end of the world is both a distant possibility and a pressing concern, depending on who you ask.

What will be will be, but it does not concern us! That is the cry of many within the modern-day church, but as with all things, we must defer to the Word of God to see the truth of it and allow it to have the final say. This book endeavors to strip away personal opinions or unfounded expectations and focus on what the Bible says about the last of the world and, more specifically, what Jesus had to say about it. It is an unflinching expedition through the thorny thicket of feeling and sentiment, slicing through the underbrush and exposing the bare and unadulterated truth found only in the sacred words of the Bible and the timeless prophecies and teachings of Jesus himself.

Given that Jesus told us beforehand all that would be, we would do well to heed His warnings!


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