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The Loveliness of Christ DVD Series

Full 6-part series DVD package. Jesus in life and purpose was truly an example of God's love towards man. He was without sin, blameless, and pure yet He came to save sinners and people who were full of sin, guilty, and unclean. John 3 vs 16 says it best "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life." The worst of sinners can be saved by the Savior of sinners. Jesus healed, cleansed, and did miracles all because his mission was to save that which was lost. Truly this is 'The Loveliness Of Christ." He demonstrated His love by acts of divine healing ,kindness, and mercy as He went from place to place bringing good news and hope to this hurting world.


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