The Hand of Help Ministry was founded by Dumitru Duduman in 1986 in a small apartment in Fullerton California.
Brother Duduman was a Romanian pastor who worked many years with Brother Andrew's ministry smuggling
bibles into Romania and Russia before being exiled to America. Brother Duduman and his family, out of
obedience to the Lord, eventually returned to their homeland and with the help of American supporters
have raised up an effective ministry which continues the work to care for God's people in Romania. Here
are some of the outreach programs sponsored by Hand of Help Ministry:
The Hand of Help Orphanage
The Hand of Help Orphanage is located in the Romanian town of Botosani. The town has 90% unemployment
which has caused great hardships. Many children come to the orphanage because their families can no
longer take care of them. The orphanage currently cares for ninety orphans. The Hand of Help ministry
is able to clothe, feed and offer a helping hand to the children because of the gifts that support this ministry.
As you browse through the Hand of Help web site you will see the smiling faces of children who now have hope.
They are loved and taught the Word of God. Please consider helping or sponsoring one of these precious children.
If you want to learn more about sponsorship please e-mail us at
Outreach To The Surrounding Community
Over the years the Hand of Help Ministry has offered an out-stretched hand to the community. Families have been
sponsored to come to America to re-build their lives. Other families in the area have been helped by receiving food,
clothing, medicine and much needed financial gifts. Each year containers of goods are sent to the Hand of Help
orphanage to distribute to children and families. You can be assured that your gifts are greatly appreciated by
these humble people. The government is not able to provide the necessary funds to care for those in need. They
must have our help. The Hand of Help Ministry has programs which specifically
support the community. For more information you can call Hand of Help Ministries at 1-866-371-7636 toll free.
Outreach To The Local Churches
Over 50 churches have been built and funded all across Romania by the Hand of Help Ministry. Here are just a
few of the cities where churches have been built.