In February 2006, at the age of only four, after losing his mother, Sebastian (Sebi, as we call him) came to our orphanage officially. Sebi had been staying with us temporarily since he was six months old.
Knowing that he was living with an abusive alcoholic father, his mother's relatives asked for our help as Sebi had to be removed from that harmful environment.
His aunt and uncle continued to be loving and kind to Sebastian, having him over multiple times during weekends and holidays. However, not long after, Sebi had to suffer yet another terrible loss - his uncle died in a car accident. Sebastian was overwhelmed and extremely troubled when hearing the news. We prayed a lot for him, asking our Lord, the only One able to heal these wounds, to comfort him and shelter him under the shadow of His wings, assuring him that he will find the strength to overcome this traumatic event. Sebi was very hurt and could not understand why he had to lose his loving mother and uncle in such a short period. But with God's help, Sebi slowly got better.
Sebi grew under our eyes and he is a testimony of God's lovingkindness. He has frown and matured into an amazing young man and we are overjoyed to see God at work in his life in such a marvelous way.
In 2021, Sebi decided to get baptized at the Messiah church and expressed his desire to follow our Lord all the days of his life alongside other young adults from our orphanage.
He is currently in his final year of University (Mechanics) and is passionate about his work. Growing up, he enjoyed activities that required full attention to details and this has proved very helpful in his line of work. He has already worked in various companies during school breaks and is looking forward to start full time employment.
At the end of 2024, Sebi decided to formally leave our center and start an independent life.
The Romanian government initiated a program where qualifying young adults ages 18 to 26 could receive a generous initial sum of money followed by monthly financial support from the state if they left the social system and showed proof that they are continuing their education or are employed. Sebi decided to take advantage of this and move on his own while finishing his last year of school.
We continue to be in contact with him and will be there for him whenever he needs us.
Please join us in praying for Sebi. May our God continue to grow him and model him into an example of obedience, faithfulness, humbleness, kindness and joy.